is a company which allows you to sell stock photos, vectors, graphics,
videos and other images. The website provides online sources for selling
photos online for photographers, videographer, and graphic designers
etc. so that they can provide refined touch to its works. The popularity
of shutterstock can be counted by the fact that more than ten lakh new
images are added to the website every week. This is one of the best site
to sell photos. Shutterstock is considered one of the top three stock
imagery sites by many photographers. Shutterstock offers free
registration, and commission rates. Since shutterstock is one of the
main centers for stock photography, although photographers face a many
competition. To accept Shutterstock account, you have to submit photos
and approved.
has been work on stock photo since more than 15 years. The website has
over 2 crore user worldwide. This large group is part of the Images. You
can upload pictures, graphics, and videos etc. that will be seen by
more than 2 million subscribers in more than 200 countries. iStock is
owned by Getty, and it is one of the most famous stock image panel. To
begin contributing, you will need to sign up for a free account, and
submit your three great photos. If your pictures cross quality
standards, iStock is a great place to sell stock imagery. They offer
10-40% of the commission, and their site gets more traffic from almost
any other stock image panel.
3. Etsy
is the market which is buying and selling amazing handmade product.
However, it idea of several different ways to sell your photos in more
than 35 million users and through their forums. The big thing about Etsy
is that they have more viewers than most stock photo sites and that are
ready to buy your images. You can also sell your product, but remember
that you will need to know about packing and shipping them properly. You
can decide your prices for your photos and design. Etsy gives you
complete control over how you want buyers to showcase your photos.
Pro is an option of buying and selling of photo like photoshelter. The
platform eligble you to monitor your work on large scale and control
your orders, the main difference is the ability to use to provide
printing, learning books and wishes cards made from your shoots. There
are more features like coupons or photo and the ability to create
analytics. You must also be up to 80% of your revenue.Before we named it
15 years ago, smugMug was in existence. Photographers are ever create
new ways to selling their dedication,performance, and motivation with
all of them.
5. 500 PIXELS
is an online website for making your portfolio of photos and earn
money, This is also best panel to sell online photos, You can create
free account and add images. They also run many competitions to help
earn more money by selling for your images, At 500px, whatever we do is
inside. We have 500 Px community whose passion for photography inspires
them to make them good in their area. As their masters, they shoot for
customers from around the world and lead workshops to motivate them to
become Famous as photographers.