⇒ Main key points to enter in blogger platform.

  • Create a gmail account.

  • Click on google apps. 

  • Then click on (more) and click on blogger.

  • Then you are see the blogger page and click on create new blog. 

    You are entered in blogger platform.

⇒ Explaination

1. We know that we are going to online in any platform or website google account(gmail) is necessary, so first thing is we are create a google account (gmail).

For create google account or gmail account, so click here
and click on sign up and fill the detail.

2.  after creating google account or gmail account click on google apps.


click on this and we are show many platform but click on more and then click on blogger

3. when we click blogger we are showing that like this page

then click on create new blog

4. after click on this, we are showing that blogger ask for profile

we are showing two option on the screen, so this is your choice what option you are select.
1. google+ profile 
2. blogger limited profile
no problem we are select any one option, i will recommend you click on google+ profile

5. finally we are showing the home page of blogger in you screen.


6. click on create new blog.


Title :- title is the first part of blog or website, title are show in the blog when open the blog, but my suggestion is the main title of your website are fill in the title.
Address :- address is the most important part of blogger because without address blog are not open, in simple word address are domain like in this we are select you address with not only select (.com) or (.in).
Template :- template means the beauty of your blog, and template means the theme, we are select different themes in different design. and we are change the theme after create blog or any time also.

after filling this, click on create blog. and we are see the more option in blogger.


blogger is a good platform for any person (male or female), and this platform is also starting by 12th pass student as part time, in this platform no limitation of earning money it is depend on your work. when we start blogger in begenning you are face some difficulties but after some time or day, you are expert in blogger, In this we are earn by adsense by showing ads in your blog but adsense have some terms and condition for approval of adsense account like:- you are 18 years old, your blog is 6 month old, good traffic on your blog. and when we complete this terms and condition, then we are good earning in blogger. seriously guys this is amazing platform. so start fastly and earn money online.

Be your own business 


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