What  is insurance agent

Insurance agents study and sell insurance policies like:- health insurance, life insurance, home insurance, car insurance and some other insurance and it’s work for insurance company and They get commission by the insurer and and they can also get sales commission. In this article we will tell about become a insurance agent. And insurance agent is very well skillful sales expert as well as variable work plan.

Career in insurance agent 

In this career option you get many job opportunities in different-different companies, and in this you will work at your home and it not compulsory to work as a employ, because in this career you can work easily like – Calling them to know the identity of their customers, interview of a customer to find information regarding their economic condition, explain the various policies which available in their companies, suggest to change or add other policies, maintain paper record etc. This type work  do by a insurance agent and if you talk about salary then you can earn up to 15 to 20 thousand monthly and if you have experience then you can earn very well. So you have good opportunity.

Eligibility to become a insurance agent

To work as an insurance agent, you need to pass twelfth standard only, bachelor’s degree is not required or you need to get a insurance license. In India you need to get license from IRDA to become a insurance agent and acquire train from the insurance companies. You can apply for job with only high school education but many people like better as bachelor’s degree, it is not important but you can choose this career as a future career then you can get high level education for more successful in your life. And for apply to become an insurance agent then you are fill the complete form with the evidence and documents in your nearest office of insurance company.

How to choose best insurance company

This is most important thing “how to choose” because at present many company are available in market but you can choose trustable companies, you should check the history and reputation of company that how many time to work in market or their economic strength value etc, check price and discount. And when you can find complete information only then select the company like –  Bajaj allianz, birla sun life, hdfc life, icici prudential, exide life,  LIC, max life, PNB metlife, kotak life, SBI life, this is a trustable life insurance companies, you can join this companies and become a insurance agent.

0 thoughts on “How to become an insurance agent 2019”

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